Tag Archives: kovacic

katherine kovacic- ‘The Shifting landscape’

Art ,crime, history and a little flirting!

To buy t his book, click on image to go to Booktopia.

Katherine Kovacic writes crime thrillers centred around the art world.

 The Shifting Landscape is the third in a series of following the adventures of art Appraiser Alex Clayton, the first two books being- The Portrait of Molly Dean and Painting in the Shadows.

With her faithful Irish wolfhound Hogarth always at her side friend,  Alex finds herself called to appraise an  historic  art collection  in a country landscape  drenched in money and a bloody Indigenous  past.   When the family patriarch is murdered on the eve of announcing the succession plans, a valuable painting mysteriously vanishes and Alex is caught up in chasing it down.

Author Katherine Kovacic

Katherine Kovacic Interview

Katherine reads from ‘The Shifting Landscape’ in the Narratives Library under ‘Crime’.