Tag Archives: kerry




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This is an extraordinary in-depth look at one of Australia’s most important policy shapers. Keating was not served well by some sections of the media which tended to portray him as elitist with arcane interest in antiques- this portrait shows the depth of his understanding of the workings of the national economy and how that leads to social cohesiveness, and the lasting legacy of his economic reforms. Written by Kerry O’Brien, who had unlimited and intimate access over a period of some time.

Kerry O’Brien reads from ‘Keating’



Kerry O’Brien Interview



Recorded at Bellingen Writers Festival 2019



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And what a memoir it is! When you have lived the sort of life that Kerry  O’Brien has, close up to the action politically and culturally for over three decades, you have a lot of memories to impart.

Kerry O’Brien is a media giant, and these days, tied to no one station or restriction  he has been letting us know where he thinks Australia is headed – and why we should be doing a u-turn.

He also believes that the Labour  government headed by Bob Hawke and Paul Keating had a true vision for this country and the foundation they laid down in the 80’s has protected us from the worst  of global downturns and led to a more egalitarian society – this is about to change however unless we start to demand proper government.

In this read and interview, Kerry talks about the privilege of getting up close and personal with leading lights of the creative industries. I got the distinct feeling he considered them a welcome relief from the endless parade of politicians dodging the issue!

Kerry O’Brien reads from ‘Kerry O’Brien – A Memoir’



Kerry O’Brien – Interview


Next week I will post Kerry O’Brien’s biography on  Paul Keating. An in depth examination of an extraordinary politician who has had a profound influence on our lives.

Recorded at Bellingen Writers Festival 2019