megan stack – ‘women’s work’

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Megan Stack found herself working from home but being a full time professional journalist with two children, needed a little help around the house – which started her thinking about the value of that ‘help’ and how to calculate the contribution of ‘women’s work’.

She has written an indepth examination of just what is defined as’women’s work’, and attempted to calculate the value of this work to our society. Thought provoking, and probably just plain provoking to some who have tended to devalue the sorts of tasks that millions of women perform daily.

Here she reads from her book at the point where she begins to think about those other women who come to work for her, their origins, their expectations , in contrast to her own life.

Megan Stack reads from ‘Women’s Work’

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Megan Stack – Interview.

Recorded at Byron Writers Festival 2019