Category Archives: Science Fact and Fiction

A Post for Science Fiction Lovers!

Edition  twenty: Rachel Craw – ‘Spark’;   Krissy Kneen –‘ An Uncertain Grace’;   James Bradley ‘ Clade’

Three science fiction authors for this week.  In ‘Spark’ Rachel Craw has a group of teenagers, fumbling with their own emerging feelings and identities caught up in a  tale of genetic engineering  and superheroes, James Bradley  explains the title of his work ‘Clade’ and reads from the opening chapter when the hero has elected to go  on a mission to Antarctica, while Krissy  Kneen in ‘An Uncertain Grace’ really gets our heads turned around with the idea of observing  the world through other people’s eyes- even their skin!



Music track ‘ Robotica’ by Michael Fairley from ‘Boy from Mars’

Rachel Craw was recorded at the Somerset Festival of Literature; Krissy Kneen and James Bradley were recorded at the Sydney writers Festival.

Environmentally speaking: Charlie, Peter and Tim.

Edition Seven: Charlie Veron,–‘ A Life Underwater’, Peter Doherty ‘ ‘The Knowledge Wars’ and Tim Flannery –‘Atmosphere of Hope’





Charlie Veron ‘ the father of coral’, recounts “the view from my coffin” as he imagines looking back, Peter Doherty tells you how to sort climate fact from climate fiction, and Tim Flannery says don’t give up on the planet just yet.