This week on Narratives National – Richard Roxburgh and Tristan Bancks

Something for all you big ( and little ) kids out there…..


Richard Roxburgh reads from  ‘Artie and the Grime Wave’


Tristan Bancks reads from  ‘My Life and other stuff I made up  ‘

Two actors write funny books for kids and act out all the parts in their read!

You can hear this podcast here!


Narratives National Edition will be broadcast on Bay FM  99.9 on Wednesdays at 11am-12pm with Michael Schubert of Soundminds from November..

Already every week  heard  on the Community Radio Network on Mondays at 7 pm and Thursdays at 10pm.

Also available on the Narratives Library website ( works on desktop, mobile and tablet)

And coming along … the GOOGLE App so you can listen to entertaining stories and interviews from authors wherever you are and whatever you listen on.

(Well you can already but somehow those little apps just make it easier!)

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